on Friday, November 27, 2020
Dealer News

Essential Horse Farm Implements & Attachments
Tractor shopping is no easy feat, and after having found the best compact or utility tractor for your needs, the next step toward checking things off your chore list is finding the right implements to go along with it. Unless you have an unlimited budget, choosing those first few larger scale tools you’d like to purchase either in a tractor package or independently is crucial for making life easier and more efficient around the farm and while caring for horses. We’ve put together this list of essential types of equipment that make for a great place to start for those beginning to think about managing either a personal operation or professional horse farm.
Start with a Front Loader
When it comes to equine care, there is no shortage of things to move from one place to another. One of the single most important implements you can add to your tractor is a loader. This equipment can be paired with a great many attachments to make faster, more efficient work of transporting feed, moving bales of hay, manure and much more on your property. Some of the most useful tractor attachments to begin with include a material bucket, pallet fork and more. These attachments will allow you to move a significant quantity of material at once, such as stall bedding and heavier things like sand and gravel mixes for paddock ground refreshment, both to and from the field, barn and compost areas.
Pasture & Hay Management Tractor Attachments
If you’re caring for horses, chances are you’re going to have more than just a few acres of pasture to look after. Though your horses may prefer to munch their way through your property, depending on your land and pasture schedule, you may have to rely on additional means of care. There’s also the matter of hay cultivation and the requisite tools if it’s your intention to supply your own. While there are many mower options to consider for producing hay, if you’re hoping to use one implement for all your mowing needs, a rotary cutter is a good place to start. If you’ve never used one before, this type of mower comes in many different sizes, and it can handle different types of grass and weeds. While producing your own hay may be the most cost effective thing to do, there are several steps to this process and several pieces of equipment to consider, including hay conditioners and other tools made for drying and gathering the crop, rakes and of course the balers themselves. And because so much goes into creating quality hay, there are different solutions available in each of these baling tool categories that account for the type of hay, temperatures, humidity level, and types of storage you’ll be planning for.
Implements for Smoothing & Leveling
There are very few, if any, activities done on the farm or when it comes to caring for animals that can be accomplished only once and then forgotten. Smoothing and moving earth and material from where you don’t want it, to where you do is another job you’ll likely encounter regularly enough. And, there’s always the matter of filling holes and worn down areas that have seen a lot of traffic. Whether you’re setting out to manage animal exercise areas, a riding arena, return renegade gravel that’s fallen off the path or any number of alternative issues that deal with gathering and smoothing, a box or rear blade as well as a land plane make for great tools to consider for this line of work.
While these are the top few implements we recommend considering first, it is worth noting that no two farms are exactly the same. For instance, not everyone will bale their own hay and some are dealing with fewer acres so fencing may be a top priority. There are also always more jobs that arise and tools to consider as your operation evolves like an all-purpose utility vehicle to get yourself, hay, material and a number of tools from the barn to another part of your property. All things considered, the majority of this equipment has cross functionality that can provide you with a whole lot of support for more productive and efficient days as you start your horse farm. Have questions about which implements and tractor attachments are best suited to your personal needs or need guidance on how to prioritize the ones on your list? Find your closest Meade Tractor dealership to speak to one of our specialists. We look forward to helping you!